Friday 10 February 2012

Make-up dos and don'ts.

I'm back with make-up dos and don'ts, also posted on maura-stardoll, click to read them here

The lip liner on the 'DO' in this one above is not supposed to be that red, it's actually a little lighter.


PS, Have you not joined the Callie.Stardoll makeover competition? Click here or in the sidebar to enter now!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Natura faces in Electric colors

According to the latest Underneath Stardoll spoilers, Natura faces will be releasing anew collection! This time, it will be in bright electric colors. Take a look:

Of course, I can't guarantee that they'll be for non superstars, but I'll still start saving for them.

How 'bout you?


PS, Have you not joined the Callie.Stardoll makeover competition? Click here or in the sidebar to enter now!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

SEPHORA face cleanser at the Splendid store, huh?

I was surfing around Stardoll (as usual) and I realised that I hadn't visited the jewelry stores in a while, sos I was inspired to go and visit.

I got to the last page of Splendid and I noticed this:

SEPHORA face cleanser at 0 SC. Now, most of us know that we can all buy the cleanser for 0 SC by going to this link:

But, the weird thing was that wasn't stardoll supposed to remove it from the site? When all of the other Sephora products were removed, then surely this would have gone with them, right?

Well, apparently not. And also, what's it doing here with the jewelry? Why didn't Stardoll put it with the other cosmetics? 

It isn't labelled SEPHORA on the tag, but we can clearly see it on the item.

Maybe it's just a glitch, but we'll never know.


Saturday 4 February 2012

Callie.Stardoll gets a make-over (competition)

To popularise the blog, I decided to hold a competiton. The rules are you must give Callie.Stardoll a make-over and the winner will receive a sidebar feauture on this blog for a month, the runners up will also receive a feauture, but only for 2 weeks. Be as creative as you like! Here's my example:

To enter, simply write a comment at the bottom of this post with your stardoll username and a link to the picture of your make-over. Like this:

I'd like to enter this competition!

My stardoll username is MsMake-up
Here's a link to my make-over:

I will only accept links from picture hosting websites like Picasa, flickr, photobucket, ImageShack, tinypic, or any other ones similar to these.


You must write your stardoll username
You must only use the Callie.stardoll doll and her make-up

The deadline for all entries is on Feb 11th, so hurry!

Ultravioletblu ball_bounces.gif - (2K)

Friday 3 February 2012

Valentine's day make-up!

This is the only stardoll beauty blog that hasn't posted about the new DOT make-up  for Valentine's day. Here's  a picture of the collection:

I personally love this graphic Stardoll made.
What are your opinions?


Long time, no post

Hey, it's Ultravioletblu here and I'm apologising for not posting in, like a month!
I will start posting again, but in the meantime, check out some of my make-up tutorials on the maura stardoll blog, click here to view my tutorials.

Thursday 19 January 2012

If MAC came to Stardoll...

So, I was practising my graphic skills (which I'm still developing) and I thought about making the MAC store on stardoll, kinda like SEPHORA.

It's no finished, but what do you think of it?